These are our


Always seeking long lasting relationships, delivering measurable ROI and mutual growth with like-minded businesses.

A social media strategy is more than just Tweets and Facebook posts

The social media revolution is more than just connecting people on a social level, for corporates, it’s about influencing customers.

How to monetise apps in Africa

How to effectively monetise apps, increase ROI and strengthen business models will be tackled at Apps World Africa 2015, being held under the auspices of AfricaCom in Cape Town in November.

What to look out for when you launch an app for your business

The Big Small Business Show - 29 Jan 2016 - Expert Interview with Bradley Elliott

5 Tips every start-up needs to know

Entrepreneurs in the service industry need to shift their approach to business growth and realise good staff are often the “face of a company” and not merely workers feeding off the bottom line, Bradley Elliot, managing director of digital company Platinum Seed says.

Open Source drives digital transformation

Some experts even believe the digital transformation revolution is being fuelled by open source. Since open source has reduced the cost of creating and developing the new digital platforms that drive transformation, and the work is being done collaboratively through code and infrastructure platform sharing, the evolution of technology has bred whole new business models and platforms, most of which are dominating the world’s economy.

How AI is changing the world

Artificial intelligence, or machine learning (the ability of a computers to learn without being programmed), enables companies and individuals to make calculated, strategic business and personal decisions through the manipulation of enormous volumes of data. The predictive analysis tools built into the technology allow for truly intelligent future forecasting.

Glenfiddich’s Independent Bar gives consumers their voice

Platinum Seed was tasked with managing the experiential campaign activation and the development of the voice-recognition application

Platinum Seed partners with BrightPlan

The partnership will kick off with Platinum designing and developing the user-experience and user interface for BrightPlan’s launch website.

Business Day TV interview: Advertising effectively with Facebook

The Big Small Business Show - 08 Spet 2017: Bradley Elliott, Director: Platinum Seed

How to build a digitally led strategy

During this period, newspapers will fall 2.6% while the internet will experience a CAGR of 16.9%.

The story about stories

100,000 years ago, humans developed language: stories were used to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

Influencers are expensive and ineffective. Or are they?

An “influencer” is someone who has managed to acquire a large amount of followers on his/her social media profiles, and is perceived to have a certain amount of social influence over/among those followers.

Survey to lift lid on SA retail ecommerce

What is the health of local retail ecommerce and what contribution is it making to the South African economy?

Customer experience is a growth driver at Cape Union Mart – interview with Amanda Herson

Amanda Herson, director of ecommerce, speaks about the group’s omnichannel future.

Manuel Koser on investing in entrepreneurs

Manuel Koser, Silvertree Investments founder and managing director, answers big questions about entrepreneurs and online retail.

Three forces set to change marketing

Yes, this is a piece about predictions. If you think this is just a ploy to get your attention, please give me a minute. I’m hoping this piece will be a little different from the other predictions you’ve read recently.

Mike Perk on making your retail operation future-fit

Future-fit evangelist, Mike Perk, reveals the 10 things digitally mature leaders do to give them the competitive edge.

Always Learning: Why storytelling matters to marketers

Stories are way more powerful than information because of the way the human brain works and learns. Lisa Cron, author of the book Wired For Story, reckons that stories have been as important as opposable thumbs in the evolution of humanity.

Always Learning: Brand loyalty in an age of influencers

The latest research I’m reading paints a worrying picture of how consumers think about brands.

Always Learning: Experience at the heart of marketing

Understanding why products don’t bring humans lasting happiness is the clue to understanding the future of marketing.

How to sort trends from mere trifles

What’s a passing fad? What trends will endure? And what part of the cultural soup that we’re forever hurtling through, is a trend that will endure.

2020 – The year the white swan arrived

What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalise it) is an event with the following three attributes.

2020 – The year it all changed, for the better

No matter how you look at it, our world is forever changed.

The year it all changed 2.0

Now that we’re officially halfway through the year, to say it’s been a turbulent six months would be an understatement.

Rebranding in a constantly changing world.

How Google Ads can boost your ROI

Explore the wonderful world of SEM and several ways that you can increase ROI by including custom Google Ads in your brand’s digital marketing mix.

Double eCommerce sales using digital marketing

These 10 digital marketing techniques could strategically increase your website's revenue and ROI.

The future of advertising in 2025: Buckle up, this could get wild

Why cutting your paid media budget could be your biggest mistake

Could design thinking revolutionise digital marketing?