Now that we're all here, let's begin...

About Platinum Seed
The start of it all

Founded over a decade ago (and counting), Platinum Seed has gone through many changes in its run as an independent digital marketing agency.

From logos to mottos, colleagues to clients and even from offices to completely remote operations. At least one thing, however, has always remained constant...

Where we're growing

Platinum Seed is a trusted business partner continuously focused on the growth of everyone involved.

We believe in collaboration, rely on constructive input and aim for unparalleled quality and integrity of the work we produce. From websites to a single social post: we consider, we challenge, we create – but we always think first.

PS / Mission

To develop a team of talented people who are passionate about helping businesses and brands, with whom we have shared values, launch and grow online by resonating with their audiences.

PS / Values

Collaboration / Prioritise teamwork and learn from each other. Always strive for alignment.
Integrity / Stay accountable, honest and open. Take ownership of your part as well as the whole.
Impact / Find solutions, adapt and affect. Have purposeful goals and be driven to achieve them.

More than the sum of our parts, but our parts are pretty F*#KING awesome.
Kirsten Dewar

Kirsten Dewar

Managing Director with over a decade in the game and mother with 2 kids in the background.

Nic Helme

Nic Helme

Creative Director with a passion for Lego, a love of music, and a cat.

Riaan Laubscher

Riaan Laubscher

Head of Development and lifetime member of the team - 14 years and counting...

Kylie Knapp

Kylie Knapp

Operations Manager with mad planning skills and the eye of the tiger.

Stefano Montanari

Stefano Montanari

Lead Web Developer, Product Owner and key force in the Creative/Thinking approach.

Maxine Van Zijl

Maxine Van Zijl

Social Media Manager with a passion for digital possibilities and positive energy to spare.

The team
at Platinum Seed

Are you, or have you ever been, strategically imaginative? Maybe just keen to try?

We're always looking to grow our team of creative thinkers - Apply for a job with Platinum Seed:

  • No Vacancies
    Unfortunately, we have no room at the inn at this time... We're absolutely chockers! Keep checking back in to see when something comes up though.
Our Team