Always seeking long lasting relationships, delivering measurable ROI and mutual growth with like-minded businesses.

Some experts even believe the digital transformation revolution is being fuelled by open source. Since open source has reduced the cost of creating and developing the new digital platforms that drive transformation, and the work is being done collaboratively through code and infrastructure platform sharing, the evolution of technology has bred whole new business models and platforms, most of which are dominating the world’s economy.
Platinum Seed was tasked with managing the experiential campaign activation and the development of the voice-recognition application
The partnership will kick off with Platinum designing and developing the user-experience and user interface for BrightPlan’s launch website.
As a web developer, I find nothing more exciting than trying out a new JavaScript framework or build tool that everyone is raving about.
We live in the information age with answers to our questions at the tips of our fingers, empowering customers more than ever to research and assess their brand choices.
It’s all fun and games until the robot uprising happens and our last hope of survival is Arnold Schwarzenegger – although initially that’s who/what we were running from so that says something right there.