2020 – The year it all changed, for the better

May 15th, 2020
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No matter how you look at it, our world is forever changed. 

Social distancing, prescribed exercise times and fashionable face masks are now just a way of life for us all. But that’s ok, because as the hashtags keep telling us, we’re in this together. 

At Platinum Seed, however, this is more than just a campaign line or a call to action on an email. For us, it’s how we do business, it’s how we approach our work and it’s how we make a difference for our clients. 

Well that’s just it, we don’t call them clients, they’re partners.

What makes Platinum Seed different?

Where ‘other agencies’ will produce the exact content that clients ask for, we use strategic and thoughtful insight to create content that our partners actually need. 

If we had a motto, it would be: Look before we leap. 

So we do actually have a motto of sorts:
Be Brave. Stay Inspired. Keep Pushing. Without Ego. No Bullshit. 

But that’s more or less saying the same thing…

As independent digital marketing specialists we drive ROI-focused results for our partners through unbiased commercial understanding of their business.

We believe in the research and strategy that forms the foundation for building and growing new and established brands in an ever-evolving marketing landscape. 

By leveraging our technical, creative and performance marketing expertise with our innate drive to understand ‘the why’, we’re able to harness human-centric thinking in a fundamentally digital world.

While unfortunate circumstances have forced some businesses to close, we have been fortunate enough to work with some partners who have enabled us to keep on pushing: We’re currently building 2 all-new eCommerce platforms for post-corona activity as well as a fully-bespoke platform that connects brands with content creators – which will be instrumental as the demand for digital content grows. 

And as more and more ‘real-world-orientated’ businesses are being forced to go digital, we are helping one such national giant ‘reconceptualise’ how they connect with their clients – a cornerstone of their company ethos – as well as our latest endeavor to take kindergarten-level content into an online education space. 

‘Going digital’ and ‘going online’ is now not just inevitable, but in process, and we are excited about the possibilities and opportunities to change the world for the better, together.

And if that doesn’t get you excited about joining us, of course we do all of the jobs you’d expect to find in an ‘Our Services’ column:

– Website Builds
– Social Media Marketing
– Content Marketing
– Performance Marketing
– eCommerce Platforms
– Brand Strategy
– Design
– Copywriting
– Etc

If you’re reading this you may have already seen our Trends Report for 2020 2.0, but if not, may we suggest giving it a look here

If you’d like to see more about what we do, please feel free to explore the rest of our website. 

If you’ve had enough of all this reading and you’re ready to get started, let’s do it. 

Ready to
get started with us?