A look at some of
our work.
our work.
Design is such a broad term, but when you consider the design we do here at Platinum Seed, it's more difficult to narrow it down. We design at Platinum Seed.

Whiskey is an experience.

Duram Smart Paint
Drawing the lines
between science and beauty.
between science and beauty.

Brand Designs
and Collateral.
and Collateral.

Online shop
till we drop.
till we drop.

Making sure
things add up.
things add up.

An eye
for the future.
for the future.

Growing a future.
One build at a time.
One build at a time.

NAC Helicopters Social Media
Getting social at 25000ft.

NAC Helicopters
From the ground up.

Property Management Ireland
Selling homes on the other side of the world.

Ramp Growth
Taking a brand up a notch.

Miss Lyn
Redefining a fine linen brand.

Rib Shack Red
Firing up a fine red wine.

Creating a brand’s best friend.

NUA Naturals
Helping Ireland’s health nuts get their fix.