Ramp Growth

Taking a brand up a notch.


Data & Analytics


Nic Helme

Karla Kelder

Kylie Knapp

Who is Ramp?

Ramp uses advanced cohort data analytics and machine learning to forecast and predict growth success for VC’s and brands looking to invest and scale products in the market. CEO and founder, Angus Lovitt, led growth marketing efforts at King Digital Entertainment and Small Giant Games; both went on to achieve “unicorn” status.

What was the ask?

Keep our logo but radically evolve our brand world to represent our sophisticated and advanced product offering. Then bring that to life on our new custom designed website in a way that is easy to understand for our audience.

How we delivered:

At PS, we’ve had to learn so much about many diverse clients and their respective businesses, in very short periods of time. We have successfully adopted a workshop-first approach with new projects and clients that have helped us understand our clients and their true needs very quickly. By employing an iterative process throughout the project, we ensure that we remain aligned with our Client and iron out any creases leftover from our workshops.

Once our teams had workshopped together, all the stakeholders were aligned on the vision and had a good understanding of the product and the processes that would best serve this specific project going forward.

For the branding phase, we created two unique but very relevant mood boards that replicated a brand world that the client could envision their brand in. These were based on our research and interrogation during the workshop phase. After a presentation from our team, Clients were able to directly comment on elements that strongly resonated with them. A final mood board was presented that included fonts, colours, visuals and design elements and icons that closely represented what their brand world would look like.

As we developed the branding, we were also able to start on the user experience for the site. These were created using broad brushstrokes in the form of a low-fidelity wireframe, based on best practices and our experience in this field. Once aligned, a content matrix was created that the client could fill in. This helped us to refine their content and create a final high-fidelity wireframe that they could sign off on.

From here we simply took the branding and expanded on it by applying it to the high-fidelity wireframe. This would be the first time the client would see their vision come to life. There are certain things you can only see once you have a final website design with content and this is where we made the final changes before we moved on to development, quality assurance and go-live.

"Our experience working with the Platinum Seed team has been one of the best agency experiences I've had (and there have been many)."
- Dan Marcus | Ramp Growth CMO