
Million Plus Recyclers.

Nic Helme

Kylie Knapp

Maxine van Zijl

Who is Polyco?

Polyco is South Africa's largest Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) dedicated to plastics recycling. Their focus is on increasing the collection and recycling of plastic packaging, promoting its responsible use and reuse, and eliminating plastic waste from the environment.

What was the ask?

To conceptualise a campaign for Polyco’s Million Plus Recyclers initiative that would a) educate the public about the importance of recycling, showing them how easy it is to do, and b) encourage 1,000,000 South Africans to become a Million Plus Recycler.

We then became Million Plus’ lead agency for the initiative’s second instalment of the campaign which was conceptualised, rolled out and managed by Platinum Seed.

How we delivered:

We drafted a creative, strategically sound concept that would leverage our youth to show adults how easy it is to recycle at home, at work, and at school.

We then built a landing page with a counter to register every new South African who pledged to become a Million Plus Recycler. We also embedded YouTube videos on the landing page to provide visitors with access to educational content while also encouraging omnichannel engagement.

Having found three kids to drive the Million+ message, Platinum Seed managed the roll-out of a series of videos designed for social media. Our social media team then led the social media and paid social strategy, implementing content across every channel and promoting the content through the use of on-page boosting and back-end ad campaigns.

  • Visit the Million Plus Recyclers website, here